Cast iron ware - how to choose and look after?
March 5, 2021

Each of us from childhood remembers the taste of food cooked in a cast-iron dish - juicy cutlets, stewed vegetables, meat, fried potatoes. In recent years, cast iron has begun to give way to the popularity of teflon and ceramics dishes, but it should be noted that many chefs still prefer cast iron dishes, the advantages of which we will discuss in this article.

  • Environmental friendliness. In the manufacture of cast iron cookware, no chemicals are used that, when heated, can release dangerous toxins and give them to food.
  • Durability. With proper care, cast iron cookware will last for decades.
  • Thermal conductivity. Compared to other metals, cast iron heats up slowly, but at the same time retains heat well and provides uniform heating of the entire working surface. Due to this, your dish is evenly cooked - it does not burn and does not remain raw, and the taste opens up with all it’s brightness.
  • Versatility. The endurance of cast iron allows you to cook on all types of surfaces, as well as in the oven.

Despite it’s endurance, cast iron is quite fragile and requires proper care. He also has a lot of weight. A medium frying pan can weigh up to 2 kg. Don't let that scare you. Following our recommendations, you will be able to correctly select and use cast iron cookware for a long time.

  • Decide on the purpose. It is known that for the preparation of a particular food, the surface of the dishes in which it is prepared is important - for pancakes you need a frying pan with a thin bottom, for stewing - a deep pan with a dome-shaped lid, for frying meat - with a corrugated bottom, for baking in the oven - with cast metal or removable wooden or polymer handles. In the case of cauldrons, the shape of the bottom is important. It is better that it be rounded and a special stand is attached to the cauldron to ensure it’s stability.
  • Check for flaws. Above, we noted the fragility of cast iron. When choosing cast iron cookware, take a good look at it and make sure there are no cracks or chips on it. They can be the reason why the dishes will deteriorate over time. Remember that the dishes should be smooth and well sanded.
  • Select the lid. Cast iron cookware is usually sold with lids of the same material. This is a plus, since the heavy lid fits tightly without letting off steam, which preserves the juices and aroma of the food being prepared.
  • How to prepare dishes for use. After purchasing the cast iron cookware, you should prepare it for use - heat it up and create a natural non-stick coating. At first glance, this is a long and time-consuming process, but it is worth spending time on this once and enjoying cooking later.

Preparing dishes includes several stages:

  • Put the dishes on high heat. In a few minutes, the oil with which the dishes were lubricated in the production will begin to burn and smoke. After about half an hour, the smoke will stop and the metal will turn gray. Do not forget to turn the dishes from time to time so that all the walls are warmed up equally.
  • Allow the cast iron to cool slightly, remove the scale and grease the surface well with a paper towel moistened with vegetable oil. Change towels until all soot is removed and wipe dry. Apply a layer of vegetable oil and spread with a brush. The edges and outer surface should also be slightly oiled.
  • Now put the dishes over medium heat. As soon as the smoke disappears, reduce the heat and spread the oil with a brush so that the oil film lays down evenly. Continue heating the cast iron for 20 minutes until the oil layer stops sticking. Remove dishes from heat, grease with oil. Now you can start using the cookware.

How to properly care for cast iron cookware?

To make the dishes last a long time and do not rust, do not leave food in it for more than two hours. If rust appears, then to remove it you will have to thoroughly clean the dishes and heat again. To preserve the non-stick layer, use not metal, but wooden or plastic spatulas that do not scratch the surface.

Cast iron can also be affected by temperature fluctuations, so do not place hot cast iron cookware under cold water. Better to wash under hot water with a soft sponge. Do not use a dishwasher. If food sticks, pour hot water over the dishes and wait until everything softens and leaves. After washing, dry the dishes with a paper towel, keep them on fire for a few minutes, oil and set aside until next use.

That's all about cast iron wares. You can find the necessary cast iron cookware on our website.

Domino wishes you all of best!