Grilled dishes - TOP 10 recipes
May 4, 2021

Now it's time for the barbecue, which we wrote about in our articles about grills! It's time to talk about delicious recipes. So, let's begin!

First, let's remember what kind of inventory we need for this. Earlier we wrote about various devices for cooking certain products. We also said that you should not dogmate yourself, because it is so interesting to fantasize and invent your own cooking methods. We'll just list what exactly you need when working with your grill.

In addition to the grill and the accessories supplied with it, you can also diversify your grill arsenal with skewers, a roaster, barbecue grills, on which it is so convenient to cook fish and chopped vegetables, tongs, spatulas and forks, pulled pork claws.

Whatever you grill, the main thing is a delicious marinade or sauce. A good marinade has three main ingredients - sourness+fat+flavor. This equation is the key to the great taste of any recipe.

Temperature is also important. Not all grills are equipped with a thermometer, but you can control the temperature in the grill with a damper, which we wrote about in the article on charcoal grills. Heat is controlled as follows:

• Excessive heat when the damper is open - 230-290 °C
• Average heat at half open damper - 175-230 °C
• Low heat when the damper is open a quarter - 120-175 °C
• Smoking mode when the damper is open a quarter or 1/8 - 107-135 °C
• In the case of gas grills, the temperature is set according to the gas stove principle.

Now let's get down to recipes.

• Stem (Chalaghaji) is a popular product in Georgia. In addition to meat, we need ingredients for making a barbecue marinade: 
- onions
- salt
- black milled pepper
- red hot pepper
- spices.

We'll take thyme. Sprinkle the meat with spices on both sides and put it in a deep container, sprinkle with onions in layers. The resulting mass must be mixed well, pressing the meat and onions a little so that the meat absorbs the spices and juices. Leave it in the refrigerator for several hours. Meat can be cooked either on a cast iron wire lattice or on skewers.

• Marbled beef steak. All you need is a steak from the store. Lightly salted, pepper and put on the wire rack. Fried for one minute on both sides, so that the juice is sealed in the meat, and then fry until the desired roast. Cooking the sauce. The required ingredients are olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt, milled black pepper, hot pepper, paprika. After the steak is fried, put it on foil, coat it with sauce on both sides and wrap it in foil for 10 minutes. During cooling, the meat absorbs the juice and aromas of the seasonings.

• Fish wrapped in baconThis recipe requires delicate trout. After cleaning and removing the ridge, the fish must be salted, pepper inside and outside, grease with lemon juice and wrapped in bacon. Cook under a closed lid, turning constantly, at a temperature of 190-205 °C until the fish is cooked. Remember that bacon cooks quickly and you need to make sure it stays crisp and doesn't burn.

• Trout with lemon. If you prefer fish in a lighter form, then we offer you this one. Peeled trout need to be salted and pepper, cut on one side and put half slices of lemon in them. Place fish on the BBQ grill and cook on both sides, turning constantly.

• Chicken in beer marinade. The main thing in this recipe is the marinade. It is prepared in the following proportions:
- 1 glass of beer
- 1/2 cup of soy sauce
- 1/3 cup of honey (3 soup spoons)
- little salt
- milled black pepper
- red hot pepper
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- cilantro kernels
Mix all ingredients and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then put the chicken in the sauce so that it is evenly distributed over it from the outside and from the inside. Leave the chicken in the marinade for a while, and then you can cook it on a roaster, first with extreme heat until golden brown, and then on medium heat until the desired roast.

• Chicken fillet shawarma. The delicate chicken meat loved by many is grilled with a light marinade of lemon juice, olive oil and a pinch of salt. After holding the fillet in the marinade for 2-3 hours, you can put it on the grill. After cooking, the fillet must be cut up. To do this, we recommend using the pulled pork claws. For shawarma, we need armenian lavash. Put on it lettuce leaves, a little mayonnaise, black pepper, fresh and pickled cucumbers cut into thin shavings, cut chicken fillet. Wrap the shawarma tightly, put it on the barbecue grilland return to the grill. Shawarma needs to be held in the heat a little, not forgetting to turn it over.

• Lenten shawarma. For fasting people, vegetarians and vegans, we've also prepared grill options. For this we need the same grill grate. Put on it eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes cut into rings and bell pepper cut into four parts. Cook until golden brown, turning the wire rack constantly. While the vegetables are cooking, you can cook the sauce. The necessary ingredients are kakhetian vegetable oil and vinegar 1 soup spoon each, salt, pepper, a little utskho suneli and a couple of garlic cloves. Cooked vegetables need to be cut into cubes, put in a container and pour over the sauce. Stir well, put on armenian lavash, wrap tightly and cook on the grill.

• Khorovats vegetables are another option for a grilled recipe. It needs whole eggplants, bell peppers, hot peppers, onions and tomatoes. We put all products on a preheated grill. Cooking should be done by constantly turning the vegetables with tongs. Vegetables should soften and char in places. Then they can be considered ready. Tomatoes are baked the fastest, then peppers, onions and, at the end, eggplants. Vegetables must be peeled. Here's a little tip: as soon as you take off the vegetables from the grill, dip each one in cold water for a second and take off it immediately. This will help the skin come off more easily. Eggplant can even be peeled under running water. Cut all the vegetables into cubes, put in a bowl and pour over the sauce of oil, vinegar, salt and garlic. Fresh cilantro will complement the picture. Many people prepare such a salad only by eggplant. By the way you also can grind vegetables in a blender until smooth and pour over the sauce and herbs.

• Grilled corn. Grease the corn with melted butter and put it on a preheated grill. If you have a charcoal grill, the hot coals should be moved to one side and the corn should be placed directly over the coals. Fry each side with the lid closed until golden brown for one minute. When the corn is browned on all sides, it should be placed on the part of the grill where there is no charcoal. It will cook for 7 minutes. After that, you can take off corn from the grill and do not forget to salt it.

• Khachapuri. For grilledkhachapuri, take puff pastry and sulguni cheese. >span class="jlqj4b">We string the cheese on skewers and reel the puff pastry cut into long strips onto it. To prevent the cheese from flowing out, one end of the dough must be strung on a skewer and then wrapped around. When you completely bake the cheese into the dough, grease the piece with egg yolk and start cooking for 5-7 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!