Everything about shower systems
January 28, 2021

In the early morning or after a long day at work, showering helps restore tone. The main thing in the comfort of shower procedures is the correctly selected water flow, which is provided by a modern assortment of shower accessories: a shower head, a shower set, a shower rack, a shower system.

The shower head is a simple tool that connects to the mixer with a hose. Shower heads are made from plastic, metal, or a combination of materials. It can have from one to five modes of water supply, the switching of which, depending on the model, is carried out in different ways - rotary or push-button.
The shower set consists of a shower head with a metal rod with a holder that can be moved up and down to select a comfortable height. A soap dish and a shelf can also be placed on the rod. The shower set is fixed to the wall with screws. The main material for the manufacture of the rod is an alloy of metals.
The shower column has an additional L-shaped nozzle at the top, on which the rain shower head is fixed. It’s diameter exceeds the diameter of a conventional hand shower and can be 25-45 cm. The overhead shower is available in square, rectangular, round or oval shapes. The main purpose of this shower head is to provide water with an imitation of a tropical shower. On rare occasions, some manufacturers add other modes to their tropical shower heads.
The shower system includes not only a rod and two shower heads (hand and top), but also a mixer for supplying and switching water supply modes.

A shower system faucet can be:
- Shower only (no spout)
- For shower and bath (with spout)
- Thermostatic (with water temperature setting)
- Double or single lever

Main features of shower sets
It is better to choose the diameter of the shower head from 8 cm and more.
The modes, as mentioned above, should be selected depending on your preferences. If you like to stand under a high-pressure stream of water or, conversely, under a diffused stream, reminiscent of a light summer rain, then you should get a shower head with several modes.
It is better to choose the hose for connecting the shower head to the mixer with a metal braid and protection against twisting.
When choosing a shower head holder, pay attention to the ability to change the angle of inclination, which will make the use of the device more convenient.
The attachment of the headset rod or separate holder must be secure. Avoid suction cup products.
For greater convenience, you can purchase a rod with a soap dish and shelf already on it.

The main problem with all plumbing fixtures is hard water. Due to the settling of the components contained in it (calcium, magnesium and their compounds) on the inner walls of the devices, the section through which the water is supplied is reduced.
If you know about the problem of water quality in the water supply system, then you can keep the plumbing in working and beautiful condition:
- Using self-cleaning nozzles;
- Cleaning the surface of devices with mild detergents (soap), and then wiping them dry with a soft cloth;
- Periodically soaking the shower head in a cleaning solution for a few minutes to dissolve the accumulated lime;
- Using anti-limescale products that are applied directly to the working part of the shower head to dissolve deposits.

Abrasive products should not be used to clean plumbing fixtures, as they damage the coating, due to which the product not only loses it’s beauty, but also becomes susceptible to rust and corrosion.

That's all about shower types for today, and we say goodbye until new interesting articles. Stay with us and write what you would like to know from our articles. Your opinion is important to us.

Good luck with your DIY ideas!