Granite washes - why is it worth choosing them?
April 7, 2021

Any housewife knows how important it is for the kitchen to have a proper look. This is due not only to cleanliness, but also to how beautiful it’s interior looks. The modern market for sanitary products makes it possible to select everything you need depending on your specific taste preferences. Our today's article is dedicated to granite sinks.

Having seen such a sink in a store, do not rush to exclude it immediately, as an option for purchase, due to it’s high cost. The price of such a sink is due to a number of reasons that create it’s uniqueness and practicality.

Granite is a natural raw material that is created in the bowels of the Earth under high temperatures. It has a high level of strength and endurance.

Manufacturing granite sinks is equally difficult. It includes mixing clay and granite chips, impregnation with adhesives with strict adherence to the correct proportions, deep staining and careful surface polishing.

Before proceeding to a description of all the advantages of granite sinks, we note that the main thing is the absence of corrosion, since granite is not a metal. After all these stages of production, the sink acquires water resistance and becomes durable. Due to the smoothness of the material, dirt and microbes do not linger on the surface of the granite sink, it can be easily cleaned with any non-coarse detergents. A special production technology makes such sinks resistant to temperature changes.

Having considered the technical aspects, we move on to the design advantages of granite sinks. In the store, they are presented in the form of various colors and shapes - rectangular and angular, round. Built into the worktop, they are perfectly combined with furniture and room cladding. It is also worth choosing the right mixer for them, which will be an excellent addition to the interior. All these elements create a unique, harmonious look and design of the same French cuisine.

When you purchase a granite sink, take care of it’s correct installation. If you decide to build it into the table, then think about whether you can handle it yourself or whether it is worth contacting a specialist. In principle, the rules and sequence for installing a granite sink are not much different from installing conventional sinks, but one detail should be taken into account - when you process the cut in the countertop with glue-sealant and install the sink, then for a more durable fixation it is worth putting something heavy in it and leave for 12 hours. This will solve the problem of water leakage.

At the end of the article, we note once again that the price of granite sinks should not scare you, since with their purchase you will provide yourself with the comfort of use and ease of cleaning.

We can offer you wide range of granite sinks, including from different manufacturers. By the way, it should be noted that the complete set of granite sinks also includes a drain siphon and you do not have to purchase it separately.

“Domino” wishes you all the best!