(!) First aid for Ukraine
March 1, 2022

Dear Customers!

       ⚠ We are planning to send first AID package to Ukraine in the incoming days (First AID items and medications) You can join us by collected below listed items at Digomi or East Point brances, at the following addresses: 

▶ Digomi, https://bit.ly/3gy4lYS 25 ,Georgian-American Friendship Avenue, Tbilisi
▶ Shopping Mall East Point • ისთ ფოინთი, https://bit.ly/3ot5uW4 2, A. Tvalchrelidze , Tbilisi
⚠ Collection takes place in the warehouse! 
⚠ Package will be sent as soon as it’ll be collected!
List Of first aid items: 

Tactical universal first-aid kits, or components to them separately (bandages, bandaging, needles, antiburn plasters, scissors operating rooms, catheters, systems, styptic means)
* Bandage gauze sterile 7 m long, 14 cm wide, gloves medical inspection nitrile non-sterile (size L or XL), scalpels.

Most impotrant: 
* Mattresses, karemats, layouts, heat-saving blankets, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, bed linen, towels, warm clothes (thermobelier, sweaters, jackets, scarves, hats, gloves) and sprinklers;
Body detergents, toothpastes and brushes, diapers and pads, paper towels;

Antiseptics, reusable and disposable masks, alcohol;
* Combs, women's, men's and children's underwear (underpants, socks - new!) of different sizes, microfiber towels, reusable dishes sets;
Batteries, candles, flashlights;
* Power banks, charging for phones (micro usb, type c)
Instant food, energy bars, dried fruits, nuts, canned food, vermichel, instant cereals.

Medical supplies:
1 CAT hemostatic turnstile harness
2 Dressing hemostatic QuikClot Combat Gauze
3 Nasopharyngeal air duct 28Fr (and lubricants for them)
4 Nasopharyngeal air duct 30Fr (and lubricants for them)
5 Laryngeal tube type KING-LT, size No. 4, red
6 Laryngeal tube type KING-LT, size No. 5, purple
7 Tracheostomy tube, with cuff 6.0 mm and pilot balloon, with connector for HIA and with fixation tape
8 Water-based surgical lubricant
9 Breathing bag (Ambu bag) for collapsible Pocket BVM type IVL) 3
10 Suction medical portable manual manual
11 Capacity 200-500 ml
12 Aspiration tube
13 Occlusive thoracic dressing (sticker) on gel base with valve (or without valve)
14 Needle trocar with thoracic catheter (decompression needle) type ARS
15 Syringe 5 ml single injection with two needles, sterile,
16 Syringe 10 ml single injection with two needles, sterile,
17 Syringe 20 ml single-use injection without needle, sterile
18 Syringe 60 ml Luer-lock, single-use injection without needle, sterile
19 Device for infusion of blood substitutes and disposable infusion solutions
20 Catheter medical intravenous peripheral 18G with port
21 Intravenous peripheral catheter port plug (no port)
22 Venous harness with velcro fastener
23 Transparent sticker for Tegaderm 3M intravenous catheter fixation
24 Intraosseous access device type Pyng F.A.S.T.
25 Container for sharp objects.
26 Eye shield metal or plastic with perforation
27 Universal flexible bus type SAM Splint
28 Universal flexible bus type SAM Pelvic
29 Neck collar plastic adjustable
30 Double Head Stethophonendoscope
31 Mechanical sphygmomanometer with adult cuff
32 Portable napkin pulse oximeter
33 Scalpel No. 11
34 Tracheostomy hook
35 Clamp hemostatic metal anatomical curved
36 Tweezers metal anatomical
37 Scissors with blunt ends horizontally curved, paramedical
38 Ophthalmic flashlight with pupillometer and replaceable batteries
39 Thermometer medical electronic in degrees Celsius with replaceable batteries 3 40 Sodium chloride 0.9% 200-250 ml infusion solution in PVC bag
40 HEC (hydroxyethyl starch) 6% 500 ml infusion solution in PVC bag or polyethylene vial
41 Tranexamic acid 10% (100 mg per 1 ml) in ampoules of 5 ml
42 Ondansetron 0.2% (2 mg in 1 ml) in ampoules 2 ml
43 Castor oil 5% (50 mg in 1 ml) in ampoules 2 ml
44 Fentanyl, 800 μg in lollipops, transbucally
45 Naloxone 0.04% (0.4 mg/1 ml) in 1 ml ampoules
46 Ketanes 3% (30 mg per 1 ml) in ampoules 1 ml
47 Adrenaline 0.18% (1.8 mg/1 ml) in 1 ml ampoules
48 Ampoule container, rigid, plastic, Armadilo type
49 Hydrogen peroxide in polyethylene bottle not less than 200-250 ml
50 Antiseptic and hand disinfectant, 100 ml
51 Polyethylene-based thermal blankets 160 cm wide, 210 cm long
52 Film - CPR valve

- Tranexamic acid 100mg/ml!!!
- Dexalgin/ketorolac/ketolong/ketrolgin/ketane!!!
- solutions in plastic: Sodium chloride, Sterofundin, Heck, Gelaspan, Plasmoven, Ringer!
- syringes of all sizes except insulin.
- adrenaline/noradrenaline
- Ondansetron 100mg;
- Magnesia
- Naloxone
- nimesil/aphida
- Reinforced scotch minimum coils.
- Antiviral and mucalising effects
- dopamine
- Hydozepom
- barvolal, corvalment, corvalol.
- Venflons pink, GREEN!!! blue.

- Paracetamol 500 mg
- Meloxicam 7.5 mg
- Ciprofloxacin 500 mg (or levofloxacin 500 mg)
- Dressing package individual sterile with elastic compression component of first aid with protective moisture-resistant shell
- Chemical bleeding agent (hemostatic bandage plugging with hemostatic agent)
3-5 m long, 2-3 cm wide nonwoven-based adhesive laminate
- Swat turnstile
- Waterproof marker for blue information
- Shears for cutting clothes and shoes (atraumatic)
- Traumatic wound gauze 8x100cm
- Reinforced Tape (Ducktape)
- GorillaGlue and BlueDolpin 2" reinforced (Ductape)
- Faretec or Kerlix compression gauze
- Rescue blankets (silver/gold)
- antibiotics for children
- glucose

⚠ Collection takes place in the warehouse! 
⚠ Package will be sent as soon as it’ll be collected!