All the basics of lawn care
May 24, 2021

Would you like to have a nice, soft and pleasant lawn where you can have a home picnic or do yoga? Then read this article.

For a soft lawn, the first mow after planting is important. This should be done when the grass reaches 10 cm in height. It is necessary to cut 3-4 cm so that the grass remains 6-7 cm high, and with the subsequent mowing, the optimal height will be 4-5 cm. Most often this procedure is done in mid-May, before the first thunderstorms and heavy rainfalls. If you missed the moment and it started raining, then the grass will be close to the ground and it will be difficult for your technique to capture it.

You need to cut dry grass, since wet grass more clogs the cutting mechanisms, and in the case of electrical equipment, it can get into the motor, which is dangerous not only for the device, but also for you. Our article on lawn care products will help you decide on the choice of the right technique.

The cut grass should be removed from the lawn with a rake or blower and left for mulching, which we will discuss below. When using this technique, the lawn should not be clogged with dry sticks, stones or other objects that can get under the knife and break it.

In the absence of rain and watering, it is not recommended to mow the lawn, since the lack of moisture against the background of the scorching sun can burn out the roots of the grass.

Watering the lawn should be done when the grass becomes less firm and less elastic. If you lose sight of the watering time, the grass will lose its juicy green color and begin to turn yellow and dry. Watering frequency also depends on the type of soil. If your area is sandy, then the lawn will require more frequent watering, since the sand weakly retains moisture. The situation is different with clay soils. Due to the density of the structure, they absorb water for a long time, but they also give it away longer, so the grass in clay soil does not often ask for water. In any case, look not at the moisture content of the soil, but at the condition of the grass. This will tell you when to water. By the way, indoor plants also tell themselves when they need to be watered.

For watering, you can use a garden pump or a subsoil irrigation system. And the rain will be your best assistant. You probably look at the weather forecast and before watering you will take into account the gifts of the atmosphere, because plants do not like overwatering either, since the water in the roots takes up all the space and interferes with the access of oxygen. The same can cause the appearance of moss.

In order to eliminate the need for frequent weeding of the site, it is worth trying first. Weeds must be carefully rooted out. Experienced gardeners use special preparations - herbicides. They must be introduced carefully, following the instructions on the package, and only in the weed zone without hitting the main lawn.

Fertilizers for lawn grass are given in spring, summer and autumn. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are needed for growth, in the summer they are complex with the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK balance), and in the autumn, fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium, which will help the grass to winter.

Fertilizers are added when the grass is dry and the soil is very slightly damp. It is better to do this before the rain, and not during or immediately after the rain. If rain is not expected, water the lawn yourself after adding fertilizer. If you have a subsoil irrigation system and you are watering your lawn with water from a tank, then fertilizer can be added to the irrigation water. Before applying this or that fertilizer, read the instructions, which indicate the exact amount of fertilizer per square meter.

In general, arranging a lawn at a summer cottage will not only give you an unforgettable pleasure, but also get rid of dust, because the roots of the grass form a mesh under the ground that tightly restrains the soil.

These were the basic tips to help you properly care for a living green carpet. On our website you will find all the necessary accessories that you need for this, namely trimmers and brushcutters, lawn mowers, aerators and forks, blowers, fertilizers, pumps.

“Domino” wishes you all the best!