კედლის დეკორატიული პანელებისადმი ინტერესი თანამედროვე ინტერიერში უფრო და უფრო იზრდება. ეს დიზაინ კონსტრუქცია საკმაოდ აქტუალურია როგორც სახლების, ასევე საცალო და კომერციული ფართების მოსაწყობად. კედლის დეკორატიულ პანელებს არაერთი უპირატესობა გააჩნია. პირველ რიგში, მათი დახმარებით შესაძლებელია ინტერიერის გამრავალფეროვნება. თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გამოიყენოთ ხის,...
Dear Customers! ⚠ We are planning to send first AID package to Ukraine in the incoming days (First AID items and medications) You can join us by collected below listed items at Digomi or East Point brances, at the following addresses: ▶ Digomi, https://bit.ly/3gy4lYS 25 ,Georgian-American...
If you love grilling, you probably have a man named George Stephen to thank for those burgers, steaks and brats that make weekends at your house so delicious. During the late 1940s and 1950s, returning servicemen and their families started a migration to the suburbs, and all that outdoor space called for outdoor pastimes, including some experimentation...
BBQ Club DOMINO ▶ Domino hypermarket offers you more than 60,000 products for the construction of residential and commercial premises, for repair, arrangement and gardening. For those who like to spend time outdoors in the garden section along with wonderful plants, you will find a lot of goods for arranging balconies, terraces and gardens. ▶...
Ever since the first man skewered a haunch of mammoth and cooked it over an open fire, we’ve had a fondness for cooking food outdoors. It doesn’t matter that we have fully-equipped indoor kitchens, open-air cooking offers an allure that a microwave doesn’t. But when it comes time to buy a new grill the options are endless. There are a wide variety of...
Have you noticed how artificial lighting hurts your eyes in the evening and does not give you the opportunity to relax after a long day at work? Or do you feel like reading a book and the light is too bright? All this can be solved, you just need to know how to choose the right lighting. The requirements for the lighting of the home are...
Circular and miter saws are used for cutting various types of wood materials (wood panels, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard). There are typical similarities and differences between them, which we will talk about. Circular saws and miter saws are similar in how they work. In both, the working mechanism is a rotating disc with teeth, which cuts...
In the modern rhythm of life, when you need to keep up with everything and even more, you want to be in nature more often, but there is not enough time. You want to start a plant, but is stopped by the fact that it needs care and attention. The flora of our planet is quite rich and among its diversity you can pick up plants that will decorate...