What do you need to know about air conditioners?
May 28, 2021

Summer approached imperceptibly, and with it came the heat. For people living in hot regions, an air cooler becomes the best friend at this time.

First, decide what exactly you should get from the climatic technology, that is, it should only work to cool the air in the room, or you need a device that will maintain the desired temperature throughout the year. Such a device is a split system, better known as winter-summer.

When purchasing an air conditioner, you must know the area of the room and choose the appropriate air conditioner that will provide a comfortable temperature. In addition to the area of the room, the height of the walls and windows, as well as solar radiation, are taken into account.

The power of the air conditioner is measured in BTU units. For example, a 1000 BTU air conditioner serves up to 3 m2 of space if the walls in the room are approximately 3 m high.

In the case of split systems, cooling occurs if the outside air temperature is in the range from +18 to + 45 °C. In winter, heating with the same sprint system occurs when the outside air temperature ranges from +18 to -5° C.

By the type of compressor operation, two types of air conditioners are distinguished - on/off and inverter. The first is equipped with an automatic on/off system for the device. Simply put, the air conditioner brings the temperature in the room to a certain level, and then automatically turns off. When the room gets hot again, the air conditioner turns on and continues this way as long as it is turned on.

Unlike an on / off air conditioner, the inverter brings the room temperature to the required value and maintains it. Due to this factor, the energy consumption of the inverter air conditioner is much lower and the energy bills will not shock you.

A rather convenient solution is a mobile air conditioner. It does not require installation, as such, if you do not have the desire to drill the wall.

All modern air conditioners are equipped with an air ionization function and filters on which dust and other microparticles settle. Some air conditioners are equipped with a filter self-cleaning function, but even without this function, cleaning the filters will not be a problem. They are located under the cover of the case - you just need to open it and take out the filters, rinse under water, dry and put back. Naturally, in this case, the condenser must be disconnected from the network.

Filters must not be clogged. If they are too heavily contaminated, colonies of harmful bacteria begin to develop on them. While operating, the air conditioner with flows of cooled air blows out already contaminated air through the filters, which is dangerous for humans. Immediately, we note that you cannot smoke in a room where the air conditioner is operating, since this also leads to clogging of the filters. It is advisable to ventilate the room periodically (at least once every 2-3 days).

An important factor is the noise level emitted by the air conditioner during operation. In this case, it is worth drawing a parallel between on/off and inverter air conditioners. On/off works louder than inverter, however, in some rooms this will not be so noticeable.

Of course, the air conditioner has been a well-studied device for a long time and it makes no sense to write about it that has been known for a long time, but nevertheless, when purchasing any device, always read the manufacturer's instructions.

Our online store offers you an excellent selection of different air conditioners with excellent performance characteristics.

“Domino” wishes you all the best!