Palm Sunday or how to grow boxwood at home?
April 12, 2021

Holy Week is approaching, or, as we say in Georgia, Palm Sunday, one of the greatest Christian holidays, the day of bright hopes. Palm Sunday is a symbol of life, spring, goodness, the main harbinger of Easter - a bright day revered throughout the Christian world...

At the origins of Christianity, it was customary to illuminate palm branches in the church, with which they welcomed the entry of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. In our latitudes, the palm tree is very rare, therefore in Georgia it has become a tradition to bless the boxwood.

Boxwood is an evergreen plant that occurs naturally in the form of shrubs and trees. It has adorable little leaves and flowers.

Descriptions of boxwood are found in many ancient epics. According to Ovid, the goddess Athena made herself a flute from boxwood.

Since ancient times, boxwood has been used for decorative purposes. It is unassuming, loves warmth, is rather shade-resistant and prefers diffused sunlight, perfectly tolerates haircutting and shaping 3 times per season - in spring, before growth, in early summer and autumn.

If you want to work hard and grow the Palm Sunday box yourself, then this article will be helpful.

Boxwood care rules.
Open air. Boxwood prefers an open environment on a balcony or garden, especially in summer. Does not tolerate frost in winter. +10 ° C is not critical for him, but a lower temperature of the content is destructive.

Lighting. In nature, boxwood grows in forests and gorges, where sunlight does not penetrate so actively, therefore, similar lighting conditions should be created in "captivity".

Summer care. In summer, boxwood is best kept outside, in the fresh air. Water as soon as the topsoil dries up. There must be a sufficient drainage layer in the pot. After watering, excess water should be removed from the stand, since boxwood roots do not like waterlogging. In addition to frequent watering, boxwood should be sprayed twice a day - in the morning, before sunrise, and in the evening, after sunset. This is useful not only for moisturizing the leaves, but also for removing dust from them. You can sometimes give your plant a warm shower.

Winter care. Boxwood is quite hardy for the winter conditions of Georgia, so it can be left outside. Watering is necessary rarely, until the top layer of the soil dries. The only thing that boxwood needs to be protected from is the wind.

Fertilizers. Although boxwood is an evergreen plant, it still gives flowers, so fertilizers should be selected for it, as for flowering ones. Fertilize from early spring to late autumn.

• Transfer. When planting any plant, you should not take a pot that exceeds it’s size. Boxwood is no exception. Choose a pot for the size of the roots. It grows slowly, so it does not require frequent transplantation. Enough once every 2-3 years. Its roots are very fragile and sensitive, so transplanting is best done by transshipment.

Some interesting facts about boxwood:

• Boxwood leaf juice is very poisonous and dangerous. Keep the plant away from children and pets
While in the house, boxwood releases aromatic substances that are good antiseptics and help support immunity
• Boxwood flowers are a good honey plant, so do not be surprised if a bee sometimes visits it

Although in nature boxwood grows quite abundantly, some of it’s species are on the verge of extinction. So, for example, the Colchis boxwood (see photo), growing in the forests on the Black Sea coast, is listed in the Red Book of Georgia. If, having left for a forest picnic or on a hike, you meet it, then be delicate with it. This is a rare relic (a living organism that lives only in one specific environment) of our homeland and we mustn't allow it’s disappearance, especially by artificial means.

In our greenhouse you will find more than one boxwood. We hope this article was helpful and informative for you.

“Domino” wishes you all the best!