TOP 10 plants for busy people
June 8, 2021

In the modern rhythm of life, when you need to keep up with everything and even more, you want to be in nature more often, but there is not enough time. You want to start a plant, but is stopped by the fact that it needs care and attention.

The flora of our planet is quite rich and among its diversity you can pick up plants that will decorate the home of even very busy people.

• Sansevieria belongs to succulent plants and at the same time is famous for its incredible shade resistance, which is completely unusual for succulents. Sansevieria has incredibly beautiful leaves that go well with any decor. Watering is needed infrequently - in the summer about once a week, in the winter 2-3 times a month.

• Aloe is a favorite plant of many. Even if you are not a florist, you could not have heard of this plant. It has many different varieties. They look different, but everyone needs the same care and conditions. Aloe loves the sun and rarely watering 1-2 times a week, and less often in winter - once every two weeks.

• Crassula (money tree), following the example of other succulent plants, loves freedom, sun and a drop of attention. Watering is the same, i.e. 1-2 times a week. It may seem that Crassula has a too simple look, but it fits perfectly into any interior and decorates it precisely with its simplicity.

Kalanchoe also belongs to succulent plants. Does not require undue attention. It is worth watering it once a week and leaving it in a bright place. In the spring, it will delight you with incredibly touching flowers of completely different colors.

Chlorophytum is a beautiful plant, which is also considered one of the best air filter. It actively releases oxygen, which improves the indoor atmosphere. Chlorophytum is completely unassuming to living conditions and loves moderate watering - not rare, but not too frequent.

Tradescantia is an ampelous plant with uniquely beautiful leaves. The ideal place for tradescantia would be a bright corner, but without direct sunlight. Watering tradescantia in the summer is necessary 2-3 times a week, less often in winter.

Spathiphyllum, women's happiness. Delicate plant with the same delicate leaves and white flowers. For women's happiness in the summer, watering 2 times a week and periodic spraying is enough. In winter, watering can be reduced to 1 time per week and stop spraying. Despite the seemingly fragile leaves, spathiphyllum cleans the air well and releases oxygen.

 Ficus Benjamin. The fame of ficuses is so wide that everyone has heard of them. Ficus Benjamina is a common variety of this wonderful plant. For good development, a bright spot and watering twice a week will be enough. Ficus is quite hygrophilous, so it will also be quite appropriate to spray it with water. The main thing is not to overfill. Stagnation of moisture in the roots is detrimental to any indoor plants.

Dracaena, the same tree of love. There are countless types of dracaena and each of them has incredibly beautiful leaves. Dracaena care is very simple. It loves watering and sunshine in the morning. In very rare cases, it can bloom at home.

 Zamioculcas (dollar tree). An exquisite plant that attracts with the beauty of its leaves. It is quite hardy and will not be too offended if it is not in the direct sun. Watering is needed moderate, up to 2 times a month in summer, in winter 1 time.As we have already said, these plants do not require special attention, so the dust must be removed from them once a week. This only applies to large-leaved plants.

No plants like drafts, so in winter, when you ventilate the room, the pots should be removed from the windowsill, and in the summer they should be protected from the air conditioner (especially ficus).

When choosing a place for a plant, keep in mind that many flowering plants in the shade may not bloom. Sansevieria blooms if it lives in a small pot.

In the rapid, monotonous flow of life, indoor plants, with their growth and development, will not let you get bogged down in the routine of everyday life. It is an affordable way to feel closer to nature. “Domino” wishes you all the best!