How to pick landscaping plants - flower beds, mixborders
April 19, 2021

Flowers are the best friends of designers. Just imagine how easily even the most ordinary flowers adorn any interior and exterior, as well as landscape. Nature is the best designer, but try to create your own little fragrant flower garden yourself. We suggest getting started now and here are some tips.

Today we will talk about flower beds and mixborders.

A flower bed is a collection of colors combined in a certain pattern, observing proportions and symmetry. Simply put, a flower bed is created in such a way that looking at it from any point, you can see it in its entirety. A flower bed is usually planted with flowers.

>span class="jlqj4b" >span class="jlqj4b">A mixborder can be created not only from flowers. They can be mated with dwarf trees, for example.

We often say that DIY improvisation depends only on your preferences and vision of the subject. The flower garden is no exception. For those who like to invent and create something new, it is worth opting for annual plants.

What do you need to equip a flower garden? It's simple - you need your desire and a little space.

Let's assume you have a place. We decide what kind of contour your flower garden will have. If you decide to equip a flower bed, then stop at the correct geometric shape - a circle, oval, square, rectangle, etc. If you are not a perfectionist and like asymmetric compositions, then a mixborder will be the perfect option for you.

We offer you one option for creating a flower bed and a mixborder.

Flower bed. Let's say you decide to create a round flower bed. You can take an ever-flowering begonia, for example, and play with color. It comes in three colors - white, pink and red. It would be nice to frame it with some kind of plant, for example, cineraria. Here it is grown by seedlings, and then planted in the ground. Instead of begonias, you can take viola or primrose, gazania, nasturtium, or combine them into the desired composition.

Mixborder. As we already said, a mixborder is created randomly from different types of plants. You can lay out a combination of boxwood, combining it with some coniferous plant, a Christmas tree, for example (for the New Year it can be dressed up, by the way). The front can be planted with the same annual flowers and your flower garden is ready.

For a mixborder, a beautiful solution will be not only arbitrary planting of various plants, but also a mix of seeds. What it is? A seed mix is a combination of plant seeds sold in one package. These can be flowers, ornamental cereals, etc. There are two options for their use.

The first is simple - you only need to sow the allotted area with seeds. When they grow, a surprise awaits you.

The second option will suit you if you decide to systematize your plants. The seeds look different. Your task is to separate them and plant them in different pots. When the plants grow, they can be laid out in the main composition on the site.

The above were the basic principles of creating flower beds and mixborders. We took specific plants, but one cannot pass by such as graceful roses and tulips, daffodils, petunias, carnations with marigolds and many others. All of them deserve attention and you will find them on our website, as well as everything you need for the subsequent care of plants - gardening tools, watering cans, various hoses and sprayers.

«Domino» wishes you all the best!