How to use the grill correctly?
April 26, 2021

We have written extensively about the types of grills. Now it's time to talk about the rules for its use. We decided to focus our attention on this, because following the rules, you will extend its service life for many years.

Let's start with the main thing: how to light the grill? Gas grills in this regard create tangible comfort in use, you just need to light the burner and enjoy the process of barbecuing. Charcoal grills are tricky, but food tastes smoky.

• Fire up the grill properly. The correct ignition of coals is of primary importance in the quality of roasting food, because the food on the charcoal grill is cooked using streams of hot air. The easiest and most convenient way is to use a special glass called a starter. The principle is very simple, you just need to take a starter, coal and ignition. Any wood chips, paper or dry alcohol can be used as ignition. After you have poured charcoal into the starter, you need to put it on a fired ignition and wait until the coals warm up to a white bloom. It is best to perform this procedure directly on the grill, as it helps to warm it up. After the coals have turned white, place on the bottom of the grill, place the wire rack, cover the grill with a lid and wait until warmed up. Note that coals take longer to heat up in cold weather. You can determine that the grill is warmed up by holding your palm over it at a distance of 10 cm above the coals. If after 3-4 seconds you feel a strong heat and can no longer hold your hand, this means that the grill is ready for frying. If you decide to use liquid ignition, do not use the starter. This could lead to an explosion.

Place the heat correctly. When you are grilling on a charcoal, it is important to use the heat efficiently. It can be direct and indirect. Both types of heat are important for proper roasting. This can be achieved by moving some of the charcoal one half of the grill. If you are cooking a steak, it is recommended to hold it for one minute on both sides in direct heat over the coals, and then transfer to the other side, where there are no coals, and cover with a lid. Thus, the meat will be cooked using indirect heat, it will be well processed inside and will not burn.

• How to use vegetable oil? If you decide to use vegetable oil so that the food does not stick to the grill, then grease the food with oil, not the grill grate. This will avoid the risk of oil fire.

• Why shouldn't the lid be opened often? In our article about charcoal grills, we wrote that oxygen contributes to good combustion. So if you often open the lid, the combustion will intensify from the interaction of air and coals and the temperature will rise. This can cause your food to burn. Therefore, open the lid as needed.

• Inventory. When working with a grill, it is better to use not improvised tools, but special grill accessories, which are sold both individually and in sets. And it is important to use each one for its intended purpose, that is, a spatula is used for fish, cutlets and similar delicate products, and tongs are used for steaks, chicken, vegetables. Grill grates also facilitate the process.

• Space. Remember, the more space a food has, the better and faster it cooks.

• Care. Keeping your grill clean is important to extend the lifetime and quality of the food you grill. There are a lot of tools for this, such as various brushes, sponges, a vacuum cleaner for a charcoal grill, etc. We also recommend that you follow the manufacturer's instructions.

• Why can't you put out a fire with water? If suddenly the grill catches fire, you cannot extinguish it with water for several reasons. First, you run the risk of severe burns from the hot steam when pouring water on a hot grill. Secondly, if you have a gas grill with a propane tank and you are pouring water to extinguish the flame, you can forget to turn off the gas with a toggle switch. As a result, you extinguish the fire, but the gas will come out. In the air, you may not smell gas and light a cigarette near the grill. Do I need to clarify that this will cause an explosion? The third reason not to pour water on a burning grill is the danger of ruining the metal. From sudden changes in temperature, it can crack or rust. To avoid this inconvenience, immediately remove the food from the grill and wait until the flame dies down and, just in case, keep a bucket of sand nearby to extinguish a strong fire.

• Hygiene. This point does not affect the technical side of grills, but it cannot be ignored. It is important to maintain good hygiene when working with meat products, fish or chicken, since these products in their raw form pose an infectious hazard. We recommend that you wear powder-free disposable gloves and change them constantly or wash your hands thoroughly each time. After handling raw animal products, all equipment (knives, tongs, boards, bowls) should be washed before being used for other purposes. It is better to additionally keep a clean kit for the product being prepared. If you do work without gloves, then do not touch the tumblers, raw vegetables and herbs with unwashed hands. For raw, non-thermally processed foods, separate kitchen appliances should be used.

By following our advice, you will make your grilling process easier. Our site, as always, can offer you all the necessary inventory. Our next article in the grill series will focus on grilled recipes. It will be interesting and unusual. Do not miss!

“Domino’ wishes you all of best!