What you need to know about charcoal grills?
March 29, 2021

Summer is coming - the most pleasant time for a family holiday with a barbecue in nature. We already talked about gas grills and electric grills for an apartment. Today we'll talk about charcoal grills.

The advantages of charcoal grills can be talked about for a long time. We will consider the main aspects that are important when choosing it. For example, it is important that the charcoal grills are easy to move with the wheels and at the same time they have legs for stability. Fuel for kindling is relatively inexpensive and can be purchased everywhere. To heat the coal in the starter, use alcohol tablets (dry alcohol) or improvised means - chips, brushwood, etc.

After heating the coal in the starter, it is laid out on the coal grate. For combustion, it is important that the grill has special holes (valves) for the supply of oxygen and a rotating plate, by sliding which you will stop the coal burning process. All modern grills have them.

Today, two types of grills are most popular - classic and barrel. In both, the principle of operation is the same - the products are cooked using heat, which gives off hot coal.

The classic grill is presented in the form of a spherical bowl with grates and special accessories for convenience. On classic grills, the air intake valves are at the bottom. There is also a so-called ash pan, into which coal ash is poured. Typically, the classic grill is mainly used for frying. If you want to smoke your food, you should also pay attention to the barrel grills.

Barrel grills are cylindrical in shape. They most often consist of two compartments - a large and a small chamber. Unlike classic grills, the barrel design allows for both hot and cold smoking. Barrel grills are supplied with air from the side through a small chamber. Of course, you can also roast your food on such a grill. Barrel grills also have a chimney.

Cleaning. Needless to say, proper care is essential to the longevity of your grill. For this, there are many tools, brushes and sponges. There are also special vacuum cleaners for disposal of ash.

Summing up the article, it is worth noting that it is impractical to advise a specific grill that runs on a specific fuel or with a specific configuration, since it all depends on your culinary preferences, desires, capabilities and conditions for which you select the grill.

In the table below, we have shown the main advantages of gas and charcoal grills.

Gas grills

Charcoal grills

Does not require ignition and special skills

Coal is relatively inexpensive and more readily available for purchase

Easy to clean

Does not require connecting / disconnecting the balloon, unlike a gas grill

Allows you to control the cooking temperature

Food takes on a smoky flavor

Equipped with an additional burner

Easy to move

Provides the ability to fry and stew

 Allows you to fry and smoke

We hope that our articles will help you make the right choice and arrange an unforgettable vacation for yourself and your loved ones, and our site is always at your disposal. Here you will find various grills and the necessary accessories.

“Domino” wishes you all the best!