Homeland : moist tropics of Asia, Africa, the island of Madagascar and the island of Mauritius. Indoor Storage Conditions Lighting : Bright scattered sunlight. Temperature: (comfortable) throughout the year in the range of 18-25 ° С, in case of higher summer temperatures, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air. Daylight hours...
Homeland : Southeast Asian rainforests, Philippine Islands, northern Australia. In the room reaches a height of 2-3 meters. Indoor Storage Conditions Lighting: bright, scattered light, without direct sunlight. Placement - in the west or east, in the southern part it is necessary to protect from direct sunlight. Forms with variegated...
Homeland: forests of Australia, China, Japan; Pacific islands. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: Light-loving plant. South is preferred, east and west orientation is acceptable. Green forms can be kept in partial shade. In summer, it is preferable to take out to fresh air, protecting from direct sunlight. Temperature: not limited in...
Homeland: dry rocky deserts of Central and South America. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: maximum amount of sunlight throughout the year, gradually getting used to direct sunlight. Temperature: (comfortable) in summer 22-25°C, in winter it is desirable to create peace within 10-12°C. Watering: In winter (November-February) in a...
Homeland: Grows in tropical forests along rivers and streams. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: bright, diffused light. Temperature: all year round within 18-25°С. Watering: moderate, do not fill with water, only after drying the soil surface. For planting, use a light soil mixture used for ornamental foliage or flowering plants....
Homeland: dry subtropics of Central America. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: the plant is light-loving, with a lack of sunlight, it needs additional lighting. Yucca feels comfortable under fluorescent or phytolamps with a 16-hour light day. In summer, it is preferable to store it outdoors. Temperature: not lower than 22-25°C in summer,...
Homeland: tropical forests of Central and South America. Monstera contributes to the ionization of the air in the room. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: (comfortable) - diffused light or light partial shade. A shade tolerant plant that can tolerate partial shade. The best placement is near the east or west windows. Temperature: not...
Homeland: tropical forests of South America. The room reaches a height of 1.5 m. Improves the microclimate in the building, increases humidity, absorbs and neutralizes toxins. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: uniform diffused light throughout the year, without direct sunlight; Partial shade is allowed. Accommodation near the eastern,...
Homeland: tropical forests of Central and South America. Epiphytic and semi-epiphytic plant. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: soft, diffused light; The best orientation: in summer - east or west windows, in winter - south. Temperature: in summer (optimal) - 25-28°С, in winter - 16-18°С. It must be protected from double wind....
Homeland: tropical forests of Africa. A creeping semi-shrub, up to 1.5 m long. Indoor storage conditions Lighting : light-loving plant; Bright, diffused light should be protected from direct sunlight. Optimal placement - western and eastern windows. Temperature: in summer (comfortable) 25-30°С, in winter 16-18°С. There is no rest...