Homeland: tropical forests of Central America, Brazil and southern Argentina. An epiphytic plant that grows on trees and their branches. Flowering of one branch lasts 4-5 months. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: bright, diffused light, shading from direct sunlight. In summer it should be placed at the eastern, western and northern...
Homeland: warm tropics of South Africa, Madagascar, India, Australia, tropical islands of America and Asia. In nature, a bush up to 1.5 m tall, grows on stony soil. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: moderate, in summer - east and west windows, in winter - south side. Temperature: not lower than 15-16 °С in winter. Watering:...
Homeland: tropical forests of South America. It grows in wetlands, near rivers and lakes. It is constantly in the shade of other plants and turns the leaves towards the light source. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: light penumbra, does not tolerate direct sunlight. With a lack of light, the leaves turn pale, with an excess, they darken....
Homeland: tropical forests of Africa, Central and South America. Terrestrial, epiphytic and semi-epiphytic plants. Peperomia helps to clean indoor air from harmful compounds, stabilizes the energy background and absorbs negative energy. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: Photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Forms with...
Homeland: humid tropics of Indonesia, Southeast Asia, the Solomon Islands and the islands of the Malaysian archipelago. Semi-epiphytic plant. Indoor storage conditions Lighting: light-loving plant, especially variegated forms; Requires bright, diffused light, no direct sunlight. (Leaves may fall off in direct sunlight.) In winter, additional...